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September 30, 2009


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Tristan Robin

Okay - your button is firmly installed on my sidebar ... and I'm keeping my (usually unlucky LOL) fingers crossed!

Becky Swartzlander

Hey Amada! How fun! I am posting your event and adding it to my sidebar. I will be back on the 17th as well. I will email you my addy. Becs

amada lebel

Got it Becs, you get 2 points :)

amada lebel

Got you too Tristan, thanks for playing and good luck


Amada - what a fun idea. I don't have a blog but can't wait to follow some of the people who link to yours. You have the most creative friends.

Becky Swartzlander

Amada....Thanks so much for the absolutely Amazingly beautiful Mask! It is stunning! I love it! You are so talented....Becs

Nancy Malay

Great button and fun giveaway! I've posted this on my sidebar. Thanks so much,


Nancy Malay is the link to my blog:



Great button, I can't wait to see what you are giving away! I added your button to my blog and I will do a post about it as we get close! LOVE all of your Halloween goodies!!!

Best wishes,

Amada Lebel

Thanks Nancy!


Thanks for the great giveaway... I have added it as post and I am working on the sidebar button...

Thanks and see you again on the 17th! ;0)


Kit Dang

Great Blog,all the best with your website.Happy Halloween


What a wonderful giveaway. I have added your button to my blog.
Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"

Tristan Robin

... still got my fingers crossed! LOL


Hi Amada:

I did a post about your giveaway. I just found your blog - Love your art!!!


Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll add you to my favorites list too.


Wow, you have some cool stuff. I just added your giveaway button to my sidebar.


I think you have a thorough understanding in this matter. You describe in detail all here.


Okay, now that my computer is up and running again, I am catching up on blogs! I am going to run to my blog and add your button and link for this cute Halloween giveaway!!

Julie Ann

Darn, I missed this!!!! How are you???? I miss you soooo much!! Only a few more months and we'll all be back together again for another adventure! :) I have been offline (not blogging) for a while now because I haven't been in my craft room very much- been working a lot instead! I'm just starting to work on Christmas gifts and wedding decorations now, so I'm excited to get back in there and make something again! Have you found or made your dress for the ball yet?? I have to admit, I haven't even started looking! Have a wonderful Halloween! {{{HUGS}}}

Heidi Meyer

Oh Darn!!! So bummed I missed this!!! Hope everything is going great your way! Going to check out your other pretties! xoxo H


You write well will be waiting for your new publications.


Happy New Year! The author write more I liked it.

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